Zalando Code of Ethics
Zalando Code of Ethics
Outlining Our Company Standards
Outlining Our Company Standards

What is the purpose of the Zalandos Code of Ethics?
The Zalando Code of Ethics is based on the core values of honesty, respect, trust and fairness and outlines the standards we as a company adhere to when it comes to the professional, ethical and responsible behaviour of all Zalando employees.
We believe that only by committing to be our best can we build the great products our customers need, hire the great people our teams deserve, and reimagine fashion in a way that truly benefits all. Each and every one at Zalando contributes to this purpose through everyday words and actions. Ultimately, it is these moments that make us who we are and enable us to become what we want to be in the future. The intention of the Code is not to tell us exactly what to do in each of these situations, but to provide guiding principles that should help each of us to make the right choice in any given situation.
Who is the audience of the Code of Ethics?
The Zalando Code of Ethics applies to all Zalando employees, regardless of which legal entity they work for. Everyone at Zalando, from new joiners to founders, is expected to know and follow the standards outlined in the Code and to remind others of them when appropriate. Leaders are role models and take responsibility for ensuring that their teams behave in accordance with this Code. And when concerns are raised, we expect leaders to listen carefully, take each concern seriously, protect confidentiality and take action.
What to do in a situation of concern?
We urge everyone who experiences inappropriate behaviour or feels discriminated against or harassed to seek help. Zalando has implemented a robust grievance framework that allows all Zalandos to reach out to the relevant contact person. For more information, including our other reporting channels, please click here.
As Zalandos, our individual actions and words collectively shape our culture and our future. We are all guardians of Zalando's integrity and success and therefore responsible for our individual behaviour. We face new scenarios and questions every day, and it is impossible to anticipate them all. That is why we rely on principles to guide our actions - our Founding Mindset and this Code of Ethics (in certain sensitive areas, we have issued related policies for further guidance). These principles help us apply the right judgement to the situations we face now and in the future.
We value diversity and foster an inclusive environment.
We create a company as diverse as the customers we serve. Leveraging this richness of perspectives makes us better at delivering on our promises towards our customers and partners and at supporting each other. We actively seek out different perspectives, increase diversity in decision making, and create an inclusive workplace that allows everyone to feel safe being their authentic self at work.
We offer equal opportunities.
We constantly strive to make Zalando better, not bigger. We hire and promote based on merit and qualification only. We have zero tolerance for any types of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, gender, religion or conviction, disability, age, or sexual identity, or any other characteristics.
We respect and care about our colleagues.
We treat each other and our business partners with dignity and respect and we care about each other’s well-being. We are tolerant and honest with each other. We will not accept any bullying, offensive language, discrimination or harassment and we will take appropriate actions to protect our colleagues from all forms of harmful behavior. We have zero tolerance for cases of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior against individuals or groups. We expect everyone to be aware when behavior is unwanted and unwelcome, and act accordingly. As Zalandos, we all take responsibility for our own respectful and ethical behavior - internally and externally.
We listen and encourage participation.
To make the best decisions, we encourage constructive and inclusive debate. We actively listen and are willing to learn from each other, irrespective of position, background, age or experience. We support direct dialogue between leaders and all employee groups. We offer formats for feedback and participation for all Zalandos.
We further increase trust with our partners.
We collaborate and build long-term relationships with our partners and third parties, adhering to the highest standards of integrity. We continue to earn our partners’ trust through our focus on win-win-win outcomes (for customers, partners and Zalando). We are humble, honest, and reliable, and we actively seek feedback and try to understand what drives our partners.
We focus on what matters
Each of us is part of Zalando’s success story and contributes to solving the most exciting problems in the fashion industry and to shaping our customer’s experiences. And we do so with expertise, passion, commitment, speed and a healthy level of risk-taking, in close collaboration with colleagues and partners. The principles below provide guidance to navigate in this agile environment:
We serve our customers.
Everything starts with the customer, and our customers’ trust is crucial to Zalando’s success. By acting responsibly, we protect our customers’ and stakeholders’ trust in Zalando and thereby the foundations of our business success as well as Zalando’s reputation. We handle customer data with the utmost care. Everyone must ensure that all of Zalando’s products are safe and comply with our Quality Management standards. We flag potential issues immediately and escalate quickly to those who need to know.
We create a productive and healthy working environment.
At Zalando, we have high ambitions and strive every day to rise to the challenge and give our best. We celebrate our collective success alongside each other’s professional and personal highlights. In these celebratory moments, we remain mindful and respectful of each other’s cultural backgrounds, personal beliefs, and individual choices.
We strive to be a safe and inclusive workplace.
We will not accept any behavior that might endanger yourself or others, which impairs performance, violates the law, or risks reputational damage for Zalando. We believe that being under the influence of alcohol when working is incompatible with this commitment. Therefore, drinking alcohol on Zalando premises during office hours is prohibited. In all other work-related situations, we expect everyone to apply judgement when consuming alcohol by, for instance, being mindful of colleagues who might still be working and of the amount of alcohol consumed. We will not accept anyone being intoxicated on Zalando premises or while conducting business activities. In addition, we have zero tolerance for any possession, consumption, or distribution of illegal drugs on Zalando premises, at Zalando events, or in any work-related context, such as business trips.
We avoid conflicts of interest.
When you are in a situation in which competing loyalties could cause you to pursue personal benefit for you, your friends, or your family at the expense of Zalando, you may be faced with a conflict of interest. Examples of conflicts of interest are personal investments or business interests, conflicts arising from secondary employment, or personal relationships to vendors. Gifts, invitations or other courtesies from business partners can also lead to a conflict of interest, this is why we limit the value of business gifts and only allow appropriate entertainment. More information can be found in the Group Policy on Benefits, Gifts, Events & Expenses.
Romantic relationships between colleagues can also lead to conflicts of interest, and can require re-arrangements, i.e. change of roles or teams within Zalando. Per default, a romantic relationship within a reporting line will be presumed to be an inherent conflict of interest. Any abuse of power resulting from such a relationship will not be tolerated.
All of us should avoid conflicts of interest or situations that could be perceived as such, for example by delegating a task or decision to another colleague. If the conflict cannot be avoided, we expect you to disclose the situation to your leader or another trusted person. If you accidentally entered such a situation, or if you are in doubt, your leader or your Compliance & Business Ethics colleagues can help. More information can be found in our Group Policy on Benefits, Gifts, Events & Expenses.
We act like owners
Entrepreneurship is at the heart of Zalando’s culture: we empower our employees, enable them and provide an environment in which we can contribute to our joint successes. We expect all Zalandos to follow the principles below:
We speak up, we listen, and we act.
We encourage and expect you to speak up and participate - share your ideas, suggestions, concerns, and comments - and in turn to listen to your colleagues. Constructive feedback and truth-seeking debate is what we are striving for, as it makes us a better company now and in the future.
We get the most out of what we have.
All of us should act in Zalando’s best interest and carefully manage all of Zalando’s resources. This applies to Zalando’s financial resources and to all other assets, such as equipment provided by Zalando. It also applies to intangible assets such as data, our reputation, and our intellectual property rights.
Furthermore, in developing business relationships, we strive for the best deal and to work with business partners whose reliability, service and quality level, ethical standards and sustainability efforts match our level of ambition and care. We apply our Investment Principles when deciding on how to allocate resources. We take risks, but we are never reckless. We understand our risks and manage them intelligently.
We keep confidentiality.
We want to default to transparency and so we communicate openly and share often. But we are extremely conscious of our responsibilities to all our stakeholders and work diligently to secure business assets and information, especially data protected under the law and sensitive information under antitrust law. We only share company information if we are certain we may. We always comply with the processes on data and information security. We expect you to ask for advice with the Privacy & Technology Law team whenever you are in doubt.
We Follow the Law
We uphold the highest standard of integrity, which also includes complying with all applicable legal requirements. It is your responsibility to be informed, and while it is not possible for anyone to know every applicable law by heart, we expect you to take advantage of our Compliance training to understand the red lines, and to reach out to your lead or the Legal function directly in case of doubt. Violations of the law can lead to considerable fines, civil law claims, reputational damage, administrative or penal prosecution, or other severe disadvantages (e.g. loss of permits) for Zalando or you personally. We do not tolerate violations and will take appropriate actions. This is not limited to the areas of law described below, but we expect you to be especially diligent in these areas also to avoid unintentional breaches:
We don’t accept any form of corrupt practices including, but not limited to, extortion, fraud, or bribery. We expect you to comply with the law and our internal policies to avoid even the appearance of corrupt practices, e.g. gifts may not be accepted unless permitted by, and business courtesies to government officials are restricted under our Group Policy on Benefits, Gifts, Events & Expenses.
Data protection.
Each employee is responsible to ensure that Zalando’s high standards of data protection are respected without exception. The Data Privacy and Confidentiality Principles provide guidance for all employees when handling data. We also train employees and have policies such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Use of Electronic Communication Media and IT setting out best practice, guidance and information for all employees, to ensure that we maintain our standards.
As a company operating on various European market, Zalando is subject to national and European antitrust regulations, which are not always easy to maneuver and provide for potentially substantial consequences in case of violations. Therefore, compliance with antitrust laws and related regulations is vital for Zalando and breaches will not be tolerated. To this end, we offer trainings, workshops and guidance in our “Do’s and Dont’s” with regard to antitrust, which must be respected. Only compliant firms will be fully able to capture business opportunities in Europe, in particular due to the dynamic development of antitrust rules for platforms and tech/data companies.
Insider compliance.
As we are a listed company, Zalando is subject to capital market regulations. Information is available for all employees with a focus on those on the insider list to comply with all applicable rules through insider training sessions. Further information can be found in our Group Policy Insider Compliance.
Zalando complies with all legal and regulatory liabilities for taxation in every country in which we operate. We continuously improve our Tax Compliance Management System to ensure that the right culture, principles, processes, organization and communication are in place to fulfill all given obligations. We offer guidance and expect you to comply with the tax requirements or to reach out to the Tax Team in case of any doubts or questions.
As Zalandos, our individual actions and words collectively shape our culture and our future. We are all custodians of Zalando’s integrity and success and are therefore accountable for our individual behavior. Everyday each of us is faced with new scenarios and new questions and it is impossible to anticipate them all. That is why we rely on principles to guide our actions - our Founding Mindset and this Code of Ethics (in specific sensitive areas, we have issued related policies for more guidance). These principles help us apply the right judgement to the situations we face now and in the future.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are in doubt about your own behavior, a simple test may help you make the right decision: Ask yourself: “How comfortable would I feel if I read about my behavior in the press or explained it to somebody else - for example, my partner or my colleagues at the next All Hands meeting?”
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