Share buy-back

Here, you will find all relevant information regarding share buy-backs.

Investor Relations

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to initiate a share buy-back program. The repurchased shares shall be used to meet Zalando SE’s obligations under its option programs to employees of Zalando group and to members of the Management Board of Zalando SE. The program covers the repurchase of up to six million own shares with a total purchase price (excluding incidental transaction charges) of up to 100 million euros. It starts on 13 March 2024 and ends on 26 July 2024 at the latest. This decision has been approved by the Supervisory Board and is in accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2020.

The buy-back shall be executed through the stock exchange and in line with the authorization of the Company’s Annual General Meeting 2020, and in line with the safe harbour requirements of buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (Delegated Regulation).

The share repurchases will be carried out by an independent bank which will make its trading decisions regarding the exact timing of the purchases of shares independently of, and without any influence by, the Company. The bank is obliged to comply with the trading conditions of Art. 3 of the Delegated Regulation and the provisions contained in this share buy-back program.

Zalando publishes the transactions conducted for this purpose:

Share buy-back - March 2024 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 461.17 KB)Download
Share buy-back - March 2024 - 2nd interim reporting (pdf, 430.83 KB)Download
Share buy-back - March 2024 - 3rd interim reporting (pdf, 511.97 KB)Download
Share buy-back - April 2024 - 4th interim reporting (pdf, 823.44 KB)Download
Share buy-back - April 2024 - 5th interim reporting (pdf, 523.44 KB)Download
Share buy-back - April 2024 - 6th interim reporting (pdf, 671.7 KB)Download
Share buy-back - April 2024 - 7th interim reporting (pdf, 1.09 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2024 - 8th interim reporting (pdf, 1021.67 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2024 - 9th interim reporting (pdf, 369.49 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2024 - 10th interim reporting (pdf, 1009.71 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2024 - 11th interim reporting (pdf, 985.74 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2024 - 12th interim reporting (pdf, 666.41 KB)Download
Share buy-back - June 2024 - 13th interim reporting (pdf, 901.61 KB)Download
Share buy-back - June 2024 - 14th interim reporting and final reporting (pdf, 1.41 MB)Download

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to buy back own shares up to 2.2 million with a total purchase price (excluding incidental transaction charges) of up to 200 million euros. It starts on 21 January 2022 and ends on 21 April 2022 at the latest. This decision has been approved by the Supervisory Board and is in accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2020.

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to initiate a share buy-back program. The repurchased shares shall be used to meet Zalando's obligations under its option programs to employees and to members of the Management Board. The program covers the repurchase of up to 2.2 million own shares with a total purchase price (excluding incidental transaction charges) of up to 200 million euros. It starts on 21 January 2022 and ends on 21 April 2022 at the latest. This decision has been approved by the Supervisory Board and is in accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2020.

The buy-back shall be executed through the stock exchange and in line with the authorization of the Company's Annual General Meeting 2020, and in line with the safe harbour requirements of buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (Delegate Regulation).

Share buy-back - January 2022 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 1.25 MB)Download
Share buy-back - January 2021 - 2nd interim reporting (pdf, 1.76 MB)Download
Share buy-back - January 2022 - 3rd interim reporting (pdf, 2.23 MB)Download
Share buy-back January 2022 - 4th interim reporting (pdf, 1.06 MB)Download
Share buy-back - January 2022 - 5th interim reporting (pdf, 1.38 MB)Download
Share buy-back - January 2022 - 6th interim reporting (pdf, 983.44 KB)Download

Management Board of Zalando SE decided to initiate a share buy-back program. The repurchased shares shall be used to meet Zalando's obligations under its option programs to employees and to members of the Management Board. The program covers the repurchase of own shares with a total purchase price (excluding incidental transaction charges) of up to 200 million euros, however, no more than 20 million shares. It starts on 7 May 2021 and ends on 30 July 2021 at the latest. This decision has been approved by the Supervisory Board and is in accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2020. The buy-back shall be executed through the stock exchange and in line with the authorization of the Company's Annual General Meeting 2020, and in line with the safe harbour requirements of buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (Delegate Regulation). The share repurchases will be carried out by an independent bank which will make its trading decisions regarding the exact timing of the purchases of shares independently of, and without any influence by, the Company. The bank is obliged to comply with the trading conditions of Art. 3 of the Delegated Regulation and the provisions contained in this share buy-back program.

Zalando publishes the transactions conducted for this purpose:

Share buy-back - May 2021 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 148.74 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 2nd interim reporting (pdf, 1.66 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 3rd interim reporting (pdf, 929.67 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 4th interim reporting (pdf, 857.78 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 5th interim reporting (pdf, 1.77 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 6th interim reporting (pdf, 1.32 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 7th interim reporting (pdf, 1.18 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 8th interim reporting (pdf, 944.17 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 9th interim reporting (pdf, 880.57 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 10th interim reporting (pdf, 576.49 KB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 11th interim reporting (pdf, 1.1 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 12th interim reporting (pdf, 1.09 MB)Download
Share buy-back - May 2021 - 13th interim and final reporting (pdf, 2.76 MB)Download

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to buy back own shares up to EUR 50m in value (excluding incidental transaction charges) or up to 1,900,000 shares (whichever value is reached earlier) pursuant to § 71 para. 1 No. 8 German Stock Corporate Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG) based on the authorization of the company’s annual general meeting of June 2, 2015. The shares serve to to hedge and discharge payment obligations under the new long term compensation program for the members of the Management Board of Zalando SE (long term incentive 2018).

The share buy-back is executed via the stock exchange in line with the safe harbour requirements for share buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.

Zalando publishes the transactions conducted for this purpose:

Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 80.37 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 2nd interim reporting (pdf, 75.81 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 3rd interim reporting (pdf, 336.73 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 4th interim reporting (pdf, 336.76 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 5th interim reporting (pdf, 531.85 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 6th interim reporting (pdf, 917.49 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 7th interim reporting (pdf, 519.25 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018- 8th interim reporting (pdf, 574.65 KB)Download
Download Share buy-back December 2018 - 9th interim and final reporting (pdf, 600.85 KB)Download

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to buy back own shares up to EUR 50m in value (excluding incidental transaction charges) or up to 1,250,000 shares (whichever value is reached earlier) pursuant to § 71 para. 1 No. 8 German Stock Corporate Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG) based on the authorization of the company’s annual general meeting of June 2, 2015. The shares serve to meet obligations of Zalando SE arising from share option programs to employees of the company or associate companies and to members of the Management Board of Zalando SE.

The share buy-back is executed via the stock exchange in line with the safe harbour requirements for share buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.

Zalando publishes the transactions conducted for this purpose:

Share buy-back May 2018 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 987.83 KB)Download
Share buy-back May 2018 - 2nd interim reporting (pdf, 746.71 KB)Download
Share buy-back May 2018 - 3rd interim reporting and final reporting (pdf, 550.14 KB)Download

The Management Board of Zalando SE decided to buy back own shares up to EUR 50m in value (excluding incidental transaction charges) or up to 1,250,000 shares (whichever value is reached earlier) pursuant to § 71 para. 1 No. 8 German Stock Corporate Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG) based on the authorization of the company’s annual general meeting of June 2, 2015. The shares serve to meet obligations of Zalando SE arising from share option programs to employees of the company or associate companies and to members of the Management Board of Zalando SE.

The share buy-back is executed via the stock exchange in line with the safe harbour requirements for share buy-back programs set forth by Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Market Abuse Regulation) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.

Zalando publishes the transactions conducted for this purpose:

Share buy-back - March 2018 - 1st interim reporting (pdf, 845.88 KB)Download
Share buy-back - March 2018 - 2nd interim reporting and final reporting (pdf, 940.87 KB)Download