Sabrina, 28, from Berlin
Sabrina, 28, from Berlin
Get savvy on sustainability.
Be a conscious shopper.
Get savvy on sustainability.
Be a conscious shopper.
Sabrina, why is sustainability so important to you?
I love nature and want to protect it. It’s important to me to help reduce carbon emissions, plastic waste and the exploitation of people in developing countries. When I go on vacation, I avoid flying and rather stay in Europe or travel locally by bike. I buy my groceries in organic supermarkets, where most of the produce comes from regional farms and isn’t wrapped in plastic.

What are your conscious shopping tips?
It really helps me to pay less attention to mainstream trends and focus on what works best for my style and body instead. I’d describe my style as “feminine urban greenie.” I love finding clothes in second-hand stores or on flea markets and pair them with items I already own.
My wardrobe is rather small though and evolves around a few high-quality pieces that I can wash again and again without ruining their shape or color. And if I ever get tired of an item, I dye it a different color or alter the style and a few details in some way.