Annual general meeting 2016

The annual general meeting 2015 of Zalando SE took place on May 31, 2016 at 10 a.m. in Berlin (Umspannwerk Alexanderplatz).

Investor Relations

The Investor Relations Team has compiled the following information:

Convocation of the Annual General Meeting 2016 including the agenda - AGM 2016 (PDF, 1.57 MB)Download

Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening

At the time of convening the General Meeting, the registered capital (Grundkapital) of the Company amounts to EUR 247,063,258 and is divided into 247,063,258 bearer shares of no par value. Each no par value share grants one vote in the General Meeting. The total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the General Meeting thus amounts to 247,063,258, respectively. This total number also includes 23,422 treasury shares held at that point in time from which the Company does not derive any rights.

General information

Annual Report 2015 including the Consolidated Financial Statements and the combined Management Report of Zalando SE and Zalando Group - AGM 2016 (pdf, 7.09 MB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2015 of Zalando SE including the combined Management Report of Zalando SE and Zalando Group - AGM 2016 (pdf, 1.48 MB)Download
Report of the Supervisory Board - AGM 2016 (pdf, 491.13 KB)Download
Explanatory Reports on the Information required pursant to sec. 289 para. 4, sec. 315 para. 4, sec. 289 para. 5 HGB - AGM (pdf, 289.83 KB)Download
Explanation of Shareholders' Rights - AGM 2016 (pdf, 138.53 KB)Download
Articles of Association of Zalando SE - AGM 2016 (pdf, 270.2 KB)Download

Concerning item 1

Comment on item 1 - AGM 2016 (pdf, 65.4 KB)Download

Concerning Item 4

Additional information regarding the auditor - AGM 2016 (pdf, 71.4 KB)Download

Concerning item 6

Annual Financial Statements 2013 of Zalando SE (formerly Zalando AG) - AGM 2016 (pdf, 490.21 KB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2014 of Zalando SE - AGM 2016 (pdf, 1.14 MB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2015 of Zalando SE - AGM 2016 (pdf, 1.38 MB)Download

Concerning Item 6a

Draft Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement between Zalando SE and Metrigo GmbH - AGM 2016 (pdf, 99.53 KB)Download
Joint Report on the Draft of the Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement, Metrigo - AGM 2016 (pdf, 162.44 KB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2013 of Metrigo GmbH - AGM 2016 (pdf, 76.85 KB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2014 of Metrigo GmbH - AGM 2016 (pdf, 77.34 KB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2015 of Metrigo GmbH - AGM 2016 (pdf, 177.38 KB)Download

Concerning Item 6b

Draft Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement between Zalando SE and Zalando Media Solutions GmbH (pdf, 98.42 KB)Download
Joint Report on the Draft of the Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement, ZMS (pdf, 160.23 KB)Download
Annual Financial Statements 2015 Zalando Media Solutions GmbH - AGM 2016 (pdf, 382.94 KB)Download

Concerning Item 7

Curriculum Vitae Jørgen Madsen Lindemann - AGM 2016 (pdf, 86.42 KB)Download

Currently there are no counter proposals or proposals for election.

HV16_Details on the online shareholder service, on proxy and voting instructions to proxy holders of the company and on absentee voting (pdf, 107.98 KB)Download


Proxy and voting instructions to proxy holders of the company and absentee voting - AGM 2016 (pdf, 103.92 KB)Download
Power of Attorney - AGM 2016 (pdf, 73.4 KB)Download
Revocation of proxy resp. absentee voting - AGM 2016 (pdf, 69.81 KB)Download


Umspannwerk Alexanderplatz, Voltairestraße 5, 10179 Berlin

Results of the voting at the Annual General Meeting of Zalando SE - AGM 2016 (pdf, 21.75 KB)Download

Speech of the Management Board

Presentation of the Management Board - AGM 2016 (pdf, 2.46 MB)Download