Financial calendar

Please find here the most important dates in our financial calendar.

5 January 2023

ODDO BHF Forum, Lyon

Roadshows and conferences

10–11 January 2023

Commerzbank and ODDO German Investment Seminar, New York

Roadshows and conferences

17–18 January 2023

Kepler German Corporate Conference, Frankfurt

Roadshows and conferences

23–24 January 2023

Zalando Corporate Governance Roadshow, virtual presence

Roadshows and conferences

9–10 March 2023

Management Roadshow, Frankfurt

Roadshows and conferences

13 March 2023

Analyst Roundtable, London

Roadshows and conferences

13–14 March 2023

Management Roadshow, London

Roadshows and conferences

16 March 2023

JP Morgan Virtual Internet Days, virtual presence

Roadshows and conferences

31 March 2023

Societe Generale, European ESG Conference, virtual presence

Roadshows and conferences

25 May 2023

BofA, European E-commerce virtual fieldtrip, virtual presence

Roadshows and conferences